mandag den 8. december 2014


Signs of spring in the middle of the city


Det er som om at tidsdimensionen her syd for ækvator er mere komprimeret og sekunderne tikker med dobbelt hastighed. Jeg begriber vitterligt ikke hvordan det igen er en måned siden at jeg sidst skriblede lidt herinde. Hvis livet skal gå så stærkt, som det i øjeblikket føles som, så har jeg jo snart et par krapyler under armen og forhåbentlig stoppet med at bekymre mig mest om mig selv og mine egoeventyr. Med det sagt så skal det ikke lyde som om at jeg tror tiden kun flyver for mig, det gør den jo for os alle. Af samme årsag har det sidste stykke tid været præget af alt for mange "åh er det allerede nu vi skal til dette?", vedmodige og kærlige -kram, -knus og "farvel og tak"-møs, til alle de smukke mennesker som har krydset hinandens veje her i Rio. 
Jeg kan forestille mig at jer der hjemme pludselig har fået julen oppe over ørerne, samtidig med eksamensforberedelser og/eller arbejdsrelaterede projekter der lige skal nå at afsluttes, inden flæskestegen skal i ovnen og stjernen på toppen af træet. 
Det er nok egentlig kun min mama (måske også lidt far)  jeg kan forestille mig er sådan oprigtig glad ved tanken om at tiden flyver, for det lader til at hun synes at de 6 måneder gerne måtte være forbi. Og hvor er det fantastisk at mærke at der er sådan noget kærlighedsstads at komme hjem til, nu hvor datoen for 1 måned til hjemrejse nærmere sig. 

Dette indlæg er det sidste i rækken af billeder fra São Paulo. Mest præget af min gadekunst og mad fetish. Lidt få ord, lidt flere billeder.

View from my room

More São Paulo commute

Abandoned buildings everywhere in the center of SP
Occupied buildings by homeless in the center
Eduardo Kobra
Gui, his friend Pedro and I went to Ibirapuera Park in SP to cruise on some boards and eat açai. Favorite combi!
 Forgot to take more pictures of this beautiful space. Recommendable to pay a visit. 

Graffiti in São Paulo

En af hovedårsagerne til at São Paulo stod som et aboslut must-see på min liste over ting jeg skulle nå inden hjemrejse, er pga. byens status indenfor graffiti. Byen bliver anset som et af verdens centre for grafitti og meget inspiration i denne kunstform kan spores tilbage til brasilianske rødder, ofte fra  kunstnere i São Paulo.
Hvis man er bare lidt interesseret i denne kunstform så kan jeg kun anbefale af se dokumentaren Cidade Cinza / Grey City. Her bliver man bekendt med historien bag nogle af SP's stærkeste crews og hvordan graffitien er en stum stemme der forsøger at udtrykke budskaber i et noget kaotisk brasiliansk samfund.  

Jeg ville ønske tiden havde været til at opsøge de mere afsides steder i byen, som der er adskillelige af, men efter jeg natten for inden mistede min telefon og tiden som bekendt går stærkere hernede, så var der simpelthen ikke tiden til at lave de vilde afstikker, da jeg allerede om aftenen skulle med bussen tilbage til Rio.
Jeg insisterede derfor på at tage til Vila Madalena, uanset hvor regnvejrs tung himlen var. Jeg kunne seriøst ikke tage hjem uden at have set bare lidt af det jeg kom for at se.

Vila Madalena

Vila Madalena er et lækkert og 'organisk' nabolag der er kendt for sine koncept restauranter, barer, designbutikker og sit endeløse udbud af graffiti. Det er oftest her man ender som turist og graffiti interesseret, men det er også med god grund for dette udendørsgalleri er absolut fantastisk. Søg efter Beco do Batman og derfra kan du bevæge dig rundt i de små gader og finde adskillelige andre værker på døre, lygtepæle, låger, huse, biler, skure og asfalt. Det mindede mig mest af alt om et stort urbant lærred og jeg elskede det. Afsides eller ej! 

We ate breakfast/lunch at this place MEATS, whose owner and concept developer is said to be an amazing enthusiast of a younger year than me, a with a serious love for meat especially bacon. 
I can highly recommend eating your way through one of the great burgers in the perfect surroundings at MEATS. It may not be the most aesthetically beautiful 'meat and bun' arrangement I've seen, but the taste was better than anything else I've had in Brazil. 

This style!! 

This small shop made me a little homesick. Not because I eat large quantities of cheese back home in Denmark, but the association of Danish summer vibes in backyards and in the small towns around in the country where the only thing you eat are small local delicacies, suddenly had it's intake on me when I came by this small place.

Farm one of my favorite brazilian brands. 


Næste skrivelse vil igen udspille sig i Rio! 
Peace and light

English Recap// 


The time dimension

Don't know what's up but It's like the time dimension south of equator is compressed and every second last half the time of what's supposed to. I absolutely do not understand how it's already one month ago that the last words were written in here. If life passes like it does right now, I'm afraid I'll wake up with two kiddos underneath my arms before I realize it.. That being said, I'm totally aware that this ain't something just for me. Time flies for all of us. Which is also why many of us here i RJ have been caught by surprise, that the day of our saying goodbyes already arrived. The last week has been a row of meetups where goodbye kisses and hugs and appreciation has been exchanged in large amounts between all the persons who crossed each others life while being here in Rio..  The low probability of never ever seeing a person who became a friend again is probably one of the saddest things about doing exchange. At least for a sensible guurl like me.

I can imagine that all of you in your respective homes already got a bit of Christmas fever and has some things at work and school that has to fall into place before the Christmas is fully allowed to arrive. 
I think my mama (maybe you too dad) is the only one who actually appreciates that the time is flying this moment, it seems like these 6 months could come to an end if you would ask her. And how grateful I am for feeling that I have quite some lovestuff to get back home to now when the date of 1 month to the homecoming date is coming closer and closer!

This entry will bring the last pictures from SP. Mostly showing my love for urban/street art and a little bit of food too. A bit fewer words, a bit more pictures.

One of the main reasons that São Paulo is placed high on my list of things I have to experience before leaving, is because of the city's status within the graffiti world. SP is regarded one of the world's centers of grafiti and much inspiration in this form of art can be traced back to brazilian roots, often from artists from São Paulo.

If you are interested in this art, I can higly recommend you to watch the documentary Cidade Cinza / Grey City. Here you are able to get to know the story behind some of SP's strongest crews and how graffiti is a silents voice trying to express messages within a massive and caotic Brazilian society. 

I wish it would have been possible to really dig in at seek into more remote places in the city. But loosing your phone which I did the night before, is a trouble maker, having a bus back in the night and the fact that time, as you know, disappears faster down here, there were simply no time to make a detour.
Therefore I insisted on going to Vila Madalena, no matter how heavy and unpredictable the sky was. I seriously could not go home without having seen just a bit of what I came to see.

Vila Madalena is a charming and 'organic' neighborhood known for its concept restaurants, bars, designer boutiques and its graffiti!!!  Often it is here you end up as a tourist and 'graffiti interested', but it there is a ligit reason for that because the outdoor gallery is absolutely fantastic. 
Head to Beco do Batman and from there you can move around in the small streets and find several other works on doors, lamp posts,, doors, gates, houses, cars, corners and asphalt.  
Most of all the places reminded me of creative freedom on a large urban canvas. I loved it. Remote or not!